Gay Koh Lip – The Nomadic Boys

Gay Koh Lip - The Nomadic Boys

Koh Lipe is the best island in Thailand!

There, we officially declared it. The secret’s out…

We’ve been visiting Thailand for over a decade, trying out many islands along the way, but each time we keep circling back to Koh Lipe.


Koh Lipe still has those crystal clear tropical waters you associate with Thailand – surrounded by healthy coral. So you can literally wake up, go to the beach, put your head in the water and see Nemo swimming about around you! It was like this when we first visited many years ago and has remained this way on our recent visit.

We used to think the same about Phuket, Koh Tao and Koh Phi Phi, but over time they quickly became built up, super touristy and overcrowded. Not gay Koh Lipe! We put this down to the fact that it’s quite remote and rather complicated to reach: first, you need to fly to Hat Yai airport in South Thailand, then drive over to Pak Bara port (around 2 hours) to then take a 2-hour speedboat to Koh Lipe…Let’s just say this is enough to put off the large crowds of packaged tourists.

Don’t get us wrong. Koh Lipe is developed enough to have plenty of restaurants, hotels, bars and shops, but it’s a controlled growth, helped by the fact that it is part of the group of Tarutao National Marine Park islands. We’ve put together our love for Lipe in this detailed gay guide to include the best gay friendly resorts, bars, practical tips and more.

How Friendly is Gay Koh Lipe?

Koh Lipe is very gay friendly! We met many more other gay travellers here than we did on most of the other Thai islands, plus the Thai locals are super friendly and accepting. Even if they don’t approve, unlike other places in the world, they would never outwardly express this in front of you.

By Stefan Arestis – Full Story at the Nomadic Boys

Thailand Gay Travel Resources

Travel, Hope, and the Virus

globe - deposit photos

As fear spreads around the globe faster than the Corona virus itself, we are all being forced to re-evaluate almost everything about our daily lives. How often do we go out? What do we avoid? How do we change our routines to keep ourselves healthy?

We must not give into fear. Fear disables us and blinds us, when we need to be clear-eyed and level-headed. But at the same time, we must also be realistic about the challenge we now face.

At Purple Roofs, we are all about travel and connection between different kinds of people. The LGBTQ+ travel community has often served as ambassadors to many parts of the world where being gay (or lesbian or trans or bi or gender fluid etc) is still stigmatized, or even illegal.

We live in every country, we follow every way of life, and none of us are untouched by what’s happening in the world today.

That’s why we’ve decided to take the unusual step of addressing this issue directly here on the blog and in our newsletter and social media accounts. After all, we regularly post articles about wonderful places to visit and things to see, and that’s felt increasingly out of step as the world locks itself down and quarantines many of us in order to to slow the advance of the virus.

The next few months are going to be a test for all of us, including the queer travel community. A test of our societies as we struggle with new restrictions. A test for our economies as we wait this thing out. And a test for each of us individually, as we deal with our own lives and reach out to support one-another in whatever ways we can.

There’s an old war quote:

“There are no atheists in foxholes.”

I’d update that for today:

There is no us and them during a crisis..

I know that this too shall pass. We will get though this and come out the other side, and then things will start to return to normal. I am hopeful that new seeds will sprout in the aftermath of this crisis, and that this experience will bring us closer together.

That change will begin to blow across the world.

In the meantime, Purple Roofs is still about travel. Travel is a fundamentally hopeful exercise – we fling ourselves off to far-away destinations in metal canisters that we trust to reach those places. We take a leap of faith and engage with other cultures, in the hope that we can learn something valuable about ourselves in the process. And we knit the world together into a global community, one trip at a time.

We must not lose that hope.

And so we’re going to continue to post travel articles during this crisis. While many of you may not be traveling now by choice or by necessity, it won’t always be so. Our travel businesses are going to need us all, through this time and beyond.

When you travel, take all the recommended precautions to keep yourself and your hosts safe. And when you can’t, send messages of support to the rest of our community.

In the meantime we can all work to keep the dream alive. Gay or straight, black or white, Canadian, Latino, Chinese or Italian, we all belong to the same species, to the same planet. We’ll all get though this, together,

Lesbian Goa – Our Taste for Life

Lesbian Goa - Our Taste for Life

If there’s anywhere in India where you can feel comfortable as an LGBT+ traveller, it’s in unconventional Goa. Being gay in Goa is as widely accepted as being a hippie or being a vegan or being a stoner. Because in Goa – well, pretty much anything goes!

You see, Goa is unlike anywhere else in the country, and truth be told it’s not the ‘real’ India. Goa is the haven to escape to when you need a break from the ‘real’ India. It’s a place to party, unwind, and enjoy the magnificent beaches that adorn the 100km coastline.

At the same time, Goa is a place where minorities can feel more relaxed. Having tattoos, piercings, blonde hair, white skin, dark skin or a same-sex partner isn’t going to attract much-unwanted attention here. Eccentric Hippies have been visiting Goa since the 1960s, and the tourism boom has resulted in a far more relaxed and accepting culture relative to other parts of India.

We recently spent a bit of time in Goa, and after backpacking through the likes of Jaipur, Mumbai, and Varanasi, we were grateful for the dose of freedom. While we never felt uncomfortable in any part of India purely because of our sexuality, there were indeed times where we felt out of our comfort zone. That’s just India. So it was nice to retreat to open-minded Goa and let our hair down.

In this travel guide, we outline all the best places to go in Goa as an LGBT+ traveller. You’ll find a list of gay-friendly hotels and bars and our top tips as an LGBT+ couple in Goa. We will also touch on LGBT+ rights and social opinions in India, to help you prepare for an incredible, and most importantly, a safe, trip of a lifetime.

LGBT+ Rights in India

OK, before we get stuck into our LGBT+ travel guide for Goa, let’s quickly talk about LGBT rights in India. As an LGBT+ traveller, it is vital to familiarise yourself with the current legal & social situations in any country you plan on visiting. By understanding the situation and acting in tune with your surroundings, you can avoid any unnecessary issues along your travels.

When it comes to LGBT+ rights in India, the past 20 years have been a long and volatile road. A series of significant wins and disappointing setbacks meant that LGBT+ activists, along with the LGBT+ community, took one step forward and two steps back again.

By Charlotte & Natalie – Full Story at Our Taste for Life

India Lesbian Travel Resources

Miami Beach Pride’s Biggest Events – The Nomadic Boys

BLOG - Miami Beach Pride's Biggest Events - The Nomadic Boys

“Miami Beach Pride is one of the biggest and best gay events in South Florida which you will not want to miss!”

While Miami Beach Pride may not be one of the biggest pride events in the world, it’s certainly one of the most exciting and unique…how many Pride events do you know that take place along a beach?

My partner Teraj is a Miami native so, naturally, we have visited this vibrant city many times over the past few years. In particular, we love going to Miami Beach Pride and always attend in full glitter and rainbow paraphernalia! In this guest post, I’ve set out why we love it so much, from all the many special events, social mixers and must-attend parties.

Here’s my rundown of the most anticipated parties during Miami Beach Gay Pride.

Official Miami Beach Pride Pool Party

Nothing says “Miami” quite like a pool, a few cocktails and of course, lots of hot guys! Miami Beach Pride gets this spot on with the official Pride Pool Party. What I love about it the most is that they always feature amazing international DJs every year, like DJ Ralphi Rosario, Dan Slater and Dani Brasil. This is where you want to see and be seen (especially if you enjoy watching hotties in skimpy bathing suits)!

General admission is usually only around $40. For a bit more, you can also get a VIP access, which includes an open bar with a private terrace. 

You will naturally find us in the VIP area getting our dose of Vitamin D and soaking up all those yummy cocktails!

By Stefan Arestis – Full Story at the Nomadic Boys

Miami Beach Gay Travel Resources

Cruising As a Gay Couple – The Globetrotter Guys

Cruising As a Gay Couple - The Globetrotter Guys

After our last gay cruise with Atlantis Events we sat down and talked about all the different types of people on board and how incredible it was to see everyone be themselves, free from outside judgement. We reached out and asked the community for their own personal experiences on-board the Atlantis gay cruise and had an overwhelming amount of responses.

One response that really stood out was from Jon and Blake from Oregon. They have been on three gay cruises and have seen their relationship develop over time. They shared some incredibly interesting and refreshing insights in our interview below.

To read about other types of people on a gay cruise, head over to ‘Who goes on a gay cruise‘ where we have spoken to everyone from solo travellers, to couples, throuples and groups of friends. Over to Jon and Blake to talk about cruising as an open gay couple:

Cruising as a Gay Couple: An Interview with Jon and Blake

Hi guys, thanks so much for offering to speak with us. Please could you introduce yourselves to our readers.

Hi there, I’m Jon, here with my husband Blake, in Portland, OR by way of NM and AZ. We’ve now been together just over 10 years.

Can you tell us a little about your cruises with Atlantis to date?

We first joined the Atlantis cruise family in 2018, so this was our third consecutive “January cruise.” Our first was as a closed, engaged couple in an 8 year relationship. We went with a group of about 30 friends, and as we were considered a more ‘uptight’ couple, they weren’t sure whether we would come along! By our second cruise, much of that group had decided not to return, though with a few carryovers, friends, and others we had met on the 2018 cruise, our orbit continued to grow. Just a few months prior to the cruise, we had begun discussing the idea of an ‘open’ relationship, in part from exposure to it via coupled friends, and in part, via the 2018 cruise.

By Sion & Ben – Full Story at the Globetrotter Guys

Prague Castle – Keep Calm and Wander

Prague Castle - Keep Calm and Wander

Prague Castle, according to the Guinness Book of World Records, is the largest castle coherent complex. With 18 acres of land area, this castle is, surely, one for the world record!

Within the area, you will find architectural gems from different times, and of various styles. If you are an architecture fan, this is simply your paradise. You will find Gothic, Baroque, Romanesque, and more.

Prazsky Hrad (as the locals call it) sits on top of a hill. It’s a long climb up there on concrete steps. But Prague’s sweeping skyline view is magnificent from here.


By Alain – Full Story at Keep Calm and Wander

The Prague Powder Tower – Keep Calm and Wander

The Prague Powder Tower - Keep Calm and Wander

This iconic Prague Powder Tower has an interesting history. Before it got its present-day name, this tower served as the entrance gate of the Bohemian monarchy on their way to St. Vitus Cathedral on the hill. In other words, the Royal procession started here.

If you look up and down the facade of the tower, you will find that it has a striking resemblance to the tower at Charles Bridge. That’s because this Powder Gate took its inspiration from it.

The Powder Tower was built in the late 15th century when Gothic architecture became less popular.

By Alain – Full Story at Keep Calm and Wander

Kauai Off the Beaten Path – 2TravelDads

Kauai Off the Beaten Path - 2TravelDads

Being less common to visit on a trip to Hawaii than Oahu or Maui, off the beaten path Kauai is still quiet and beautiful; nearly untouched. These secret(ish) activities will ensure a wonderful trip to Kauai with kids or without. It’s the perfect island for a relaxing Hawaiian vacation.

Nicknamed the “Garden Island” because of its lush landscape, plentiful waterfalls, and beautiful mountainous terrain, from the moment we landed, Kauai did not disappoint. While not on the beach, our hotel was very close to the water and had great views at sunset from the wall of the cliffs across the street.

Off the Beaten Path Kauai

If you’ve done all the usual attractions on Kauai, there is still much more to discover, and all parts of the island are definitely worth visiting. There are many more gorgeous places will provide endless family fun and zillions of postcard-perfect photo layouts on the Garden Island. These are some other parts of off the beaten path Kauai to explore that offer the more relaxed beauty that a local might experience.

By Chris and Rob – Full Story at the 2TravelDads

Kauai Gay Travel Resources

Prague’s Dancing House – Keep Calm and Wander

Prague's Dancing House - Keep Calm and Wander

This Dancing House in Prague is in every tourist guidebook of the city. However, I really have mixed feelings about listing it as a tourist attraction. Alright, it’s different, eh? It’s not the usual building you can find in Prague, but, ok, it’s….unique? 

Now, let’s take a closer look at this piece of architecture.

The glass tower is certainly the woman in the dancing duo, right? And she’s obviously wearing a skirt! Isn’t she curvy? The stone tower on the right is, of course, the man. I wonder why the man only has a leg and the woman has six legs?

By Alain – Full Story at Keep Calm and Wander

Lesbian Brighton – Our Taste for Life

BLOG - Lesbian Brighton - Our Taste for Life

The quirky seaside town of Brighton is known as the unofficial ‘gay capital’ of the UK. Not only famed for beautiful beaches and sticks of rock but also a liberal and open-minded attitude when it comes to diversity. Brighton has been at the epi-centre of LGBT+ culture since the 1930s, and Gay & Lesbian Brighton continues to thrive. Boasting a wealth of gay bars and clubs, LGBT+ centred events, and gay-friendly hotels, Brighton makes for an ideal gay or lesbian holiday in Europe.

Having grown up in England, Brighton has been in my blood since I was a child. Being only a 1.5 hours drive from London, we would often visit during the Summertime. So visiting Brighton now, as a (young) adult, I can’t help but feel incredibly nostalgic. The great thing is, not much has changed from the Brighton I once knew. From the iconic pier and stripy deckchairs to the beautiful pebbled beach and scent of fish & chips, it’s all pretty much how I remember it. Only, it all seems a little more ‘gay’ now.

You see, Gay Brighton’s welcoming and unbiased attitude is evident throughout the beachside town. You only have to wander the colourful streets, to find there are rainbow murals and references everywhere. And by everywhere, I mean everywhere. By the end of our visit, I felt as if I had rainbows coming out of my a*se! Wait a minute, I probably do. Anyway, what I’m trying to say is, you needn’t worry about being accepted in Brighton. Show up as you are and you’ll seamlessly fit in.

So with all this in mind, we have put together this comprehensive travel guide for Gay & Lesbian Brighton. We’ve listed all of the hottest gay bars and nightclubs; gay-friendly hotels and hostels; the best LGBT+ centred events; as well as all the top things to do around the city. We will also touch on LGBT+ rights and social opinions in the UK, so you come fully prepared.

LGBTQ+ Rights in Lesbian Brighton

Like most places around the world, the road to LGBT+ acceptance in the UK has been a volatile one. Historically, being gay clashed with the idea of being a ‘good’ Christian. Which meant acts of homosexuality between men were punishable by death. Women were never subject to the same legal restrictions; however, would often be punished by the law nonetheless. 

By Charlotte & Natalie – Full Story at Our Taste for Life

Lesbian Brighton Travel Resources