Sometimes we’re asked if cruises provide naked snorkeling options. We are EVERYTHING TO SEA, so it’d be crazy if we didn’t! Especially because we’re sailing in part of the famous Coral Triangle, dubbed “The Amazon of the Seas”. Picture a beautiful landscape under the sea, rich with marine plants, gorgeous coral, and the greatest diversity of coral reef fishes in the world.
Naked Snorkeling in the Coral Triangle
We highly recommend snorkeling during our trips to our travelers. Not only is it “The Best Place on Earth” to do so. It’s also really easy to do. And, the water temperature and clarity are truly ideal. You should expect breathtaking views – including some other naked snorkelers! Although whales may be hard to spot, you’ll probably see some “free willies” flopping around.
If you haven’t snorkeled before – or if you haven’t done it in a while – rest assured that in the Coral Triangle, it’s easy to do so in a safe manner. And on every trip, we’re able to give special attention to up to two guys who might want extra guidance. This means every time you’re in the water, you’d have the direct attention of one of our staff as your own personal snorkeling buddy. First-timer? No problem – we’ll begin by showing you how to snorkel in a spot where you can stand, just off the beach.