Which are your favourite apps for travelling boys?
We get asked this a lot.
Since we began travelling in our more (ahem!) junior years, smartphones didn’t even exist…Cue our elder Millenniallecture about the good old days…
Back then, the Internet was limited to email, ICQ and Windows Live Messenger. When it came to travelling, we simply had a Lonely Planet guide, a compass (for the geeks amongst us), an alarm clock on our wristwatch, a walkman with a few spare cassette tapes, those old-style cameras and a few spare negatives… (and naturally, plenty of spare condoms/lube, let’s not leave out the essentials!)
In this day and age, our iPhones have pretty much become our main go-to-item for almost everything, with apps to cover all the things above, and more. Whilst we appreciate this has made us lazier (that conversion of Indian rupees to dollars, forget doing it in your head, just whip out the smartphone and voila!), it’s also made us more efficient with both time and how we spend our money.
Gay Travel Apps
After many years of travelling all around the world, we’ve put together our top favourite gay travel apps we love using and have become so dependant on. A few points to bear in mind:
- we’ve included the non-gay-specific apps that have become such an important part of our travels that without them, this list feels incomplete!
- we’ve left out obvious ones like the Calculator, Camera, Contacts, Torch, Alarm clock apps.