Spain’s Salamanca Cathedral – Keep Calm and Wander

Salamanca Cathedral

Salamanca Cathedral refers to two cathedrals combined into one. One is called the Old Cathedral and other as the New Cathedral. The former was built in 12-13th century and the latter was in 16th century. So, the earlier Cathedral is really ancient (Middle Ages) and the new one isn’t really that new. 😀

Salamanca is a university town, famous for the world’s 4th oldest university, the University of Salamanca. And if you walk around, you’ll notice that many of the structures here are really ancient and they all stood the test of time.

From Madrid to Salamanca

You can take a train from Madrid to Salamanca in the morning (8:55) and be back at 6:20 in the evening. Round trip would cost you around 30 euros. You can buy your train ticket here. And also, some tourists visit Salamanca with a combined trip to Avila, where you can find Spain’s most impressive city wall. The two historical cities are just an hour away from each other by car / tour bus. You can find these trips at TripAdvisor.

By Alain – Full Story at Keep Calm and Wander

Spain Gay Travel Resources

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