Disney World Galactic Starcruiser: Is It a Hotel? 2TravelDads

Disney World Galactic Starcruiser - 2TravelDads

I’m going to dispel all the confusion or misunderstanding about the Star Wars Galactic Starcruiser at Walt Disney World. Everyone asks “What’s the Star Wars hotel like?!” and I will absolutely tell you, but I won’t give any big spoilers.

If you read no further, let me just say this: the Disney World Galactic Starcruiser is NOT a hotel, but an actual immersive theater experience. If you go into thinking that it’s a hotel for visiting DIsney World, you’ll be so confused and potentially upset. If you know you’re signing on for a legit space cruise that’s basically an ongoing production all around you, you’ll absolutely love it.

The Disney World Galactic Starcruiser Story

I think it’s important to understand that the Galactic Starcruiser is a Star Wars story, and not just a hotel you check into. Having the mindset that you’ll be participating in a story is key to both enjoying and getting the most out of the Galactic Starcruiser experience. From arrival to departure, every element of your stay is a part of the story.

By Chris and Rob – Full Story at the 2TravelDads

Orlando Gay Travel Resources

Ecatepec and Its Colorful Houses – Keep Calm and Wander

Ecatepec and Its Colorful Houses - Keep Calm and Wander

A Mexicable ride through Ecatepec and its colorful houses on the hills was an experience to remember. It was also an interesting trip from the very start to the very end of our half-day excursion. 

Photos of Ecatepec’s colorful houses are all over the internet. Even before we arrived the Mexico City, Ecatepec was already in our itinerary. We just didn’t know how to get there yet. However, on our way to the Teotihuacan Pyramids, we passed along these colorful houses on the hills.

Ecatepec de Morelos: One of Mexico’s Dangerous Cities?

We asked our tour driver (to the Pyramids) on how we could go to Ecatepec. All we wanted was to ride the MexiCable, passing through those multi-colored houses. However, the look on his face perplexed us. He never had that question before, and as a tour bus driver, he never met anyone who was interested in visiting Ecatepec. Also, he warned us that it’s dangerous to visit the place for tourists. He strongly advised us not to go with our plan.

But, of course, we didn’t listen to him. We also asked our hotel receptionist on how to get there, but he was very adamant about letting us go there. Instead, he recommended a trusty driver to accompany us. We totally understood their worries – news of Ecatepec’s violence is not hidden online. “It is a slum where the poorest of the poor lives,” says the receptionist. The slum is also dubbed as one of “Mexico City’s most dangerous cities.” We read and knew all of these, of course. And it piqued our curiosity.

By Alain – Full Story at Keep Calm and Wander

Mexico City Gay Travel Resources