When a lesbian thinks of Los Angeles, probably the first thing that comes to mind is The L Word. Even though a lot of their hangouts spots, such as The Planet, were not real locations, some of them were definitely based on locations in the city. In this guide, I will tell you all about the best lesbian Los Angeles, bars, clubs, parties and other events you definitely don’t want to miss when you’re in LA. So you can live your own The L Word story!
Lesbian Los Angeles
Los Angeles has been gay for many, many years. Way before the colonists came and took the land, the indigenous peoples living on the land that is now Los Angeles were very accepting of same-sex relationships and the idea of multiple gender identities. However, this was all taken away when the land was invaded.
Although New York City is where modern gay rights began, Los Angeles has played its own part in history. In 1948, Lisa Ben, an anagram of lesbian, started the first-ever lesbian magazine from her boss’s office at RKO Studios. In 1966, Los Angeles started the country’s first pride organization and had its first gay parade. But it wasn’t after Stonewall that the LGBTQ+ culture really started taking off.