Gay Dublin, Ireland – The Nomadic Boys

Gay Dublin, Ireland - The Nomadic Boys

Dublin has all of the best things in life that start with the letter D. Drinks. Dancing. Dramatic arts. And Dickie… i.e. Rock!

When people think about gay-mazing cities in Europe, Gay Dublin is often overlooked for places like Manchester or Berlin. We can’t think of a reason why a place that has hosted the Eurovision Song Contest the most times and also given birth to legendary gay icons like Oscar Wilde isn’t more highly favored amongst the gays.

Gay Dublin is Unique

For one, there is nothing like the Irish sense of humor. After all, Irish people have the best crack in all of Europe. Except they spell it “craic”, and it’s not what you’re thinking, it’s the Irish slang saying for “fun” or a “good time”. In fact, the term is so common, locals greet each other by asking ‘any craic?’ or ‘what’s the craic?’ instead of ‘hello’. So, don’t be alarmed if this happens to you whilst exploring the city!

Another is the city’s incredible energy. Half-modern, half-medieval, there are few other places you can sip a cocktail in a posh metropolitan bar within viewing distance of a castle or cathedral that is centuries old. Every street corner is embroiled in some fascinating historical event. From the iconic O’Connell Street, where you can still see the bullet holes in the GPO building from the 1916 rebellion, to Kildare Street, where Dracula writer Bram Stoker once liv

By Stefan Arestis – Full Story at the Nomadic Boys

Dublin Gay Travel Resources