African Horizons

African Horizons


141 Hibbard Rd, Wilmette, Illinois, 60091, USA
Contact(s): Marie
Phone: 1 877 256-1074
Tollfree: 1 877 256-1074

Gay Friendly Tour Operator
Gay Men, Lesbian

PR Discount: None
General Discount: None

Gay Friendly [moobdir_type value_only='yes'] in Wilmette, Illinois, USA - African Horizons

We offer a varied portfolio of safaris and East and southern Africa. Our core philosophy is to provide memorable journeys, outstanding and knowledgeable service and competitive prices. If you cannot find the exact safari you are looking for, please contact us. We specialize in tailor-made safaris and tours reflecting your interests and budget.


Other Info Corporate Travel, Student Travel * Affiliations: ATTA, BBB * Destinations: Kenya, South Africa, Botswana, Tanzania, Namibia * Services Offered: Airline Ticketing, Auto Rentals, Guided Tours, Lodging Reservations, Vacation Planning

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