Visiting the Tower of London

Tower of London - Keep Calm and Wander

Approximately 952 years ago, the Tower of London was built by William the Conqueror to keep any hostile intruder at bay. Now, as we see it, it still stands tall and proud. As a matter of fact, there are hordes of reasons why you need to visit it as soon as you have spare time. It’s just a few steps from that very photogenic bridge you see in London postcards – the Tower Bridge!

I explored every inch of the building and without splitting my hair much (because I’m bald :D), I gathered the following 11 reasons to make you pay a visit, too.

1. Have a look at the dazzling trinkets

Have you ever heard about the Cullinan I also called the Great Star of Africa, Cullinan II, and the Koh-I-Noor? If you have, it could be your once-in-a-lifetime chance to lay eyes on these magnificent Crown Jewels of the United Kingdom. Not only these, in fact, you’d get to see all the 140 ceremonial objects that are on the display. Believe me, when I say this: I was literally drooling over when I saw them.

By Alain – Full Story at Keep Calm and Wander

London Gay Travel Resources