Almost anyone in the world can tell you that Yellowstone National Park in the USA is one of the best places to see geysers. Only the actual experience of being there will make you understand how amazing it is. True: there are millions of people in the Park throughout the summer, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t go and have a one of a kind experience in peace. We’re going to teach you about the geothermal features of Yellowstone and just how to geyser.
This blog post covers only the geysers and hot springs, focusing on how to photograph them and visit the most unique spots. There is so much more to Yellowstone National Park than these, but this is the first thing that anybody thinks of, so let’s just lay it all out. To start, some basic Q&A…
What Are Yellowstone Geysers?
There are cracks in Earth’s crust that allow heat and gasses to escape. There are certain areas where these escaping gasses pool up and meet ground water, super-heating them and then releasing pressure by spewing out of the ground. That’s how a geyser works.