These 6 Mandalay pagodas are must-see tourist attractions when you are in this ancient capital of Myanmar. They are all Buddhist temples/pagodas but each one is distinct from the other. You will be surprised how the locals devote their time when they are in the temple. Myanmar, I think, has the most number of Buddhist temples/pagodas in the world. Not sure about that but many of their tourists attractions are temples – and Mandalay is no exemption.
Let me introduce first these three Buddhist pagodas within the city of Mandalay.
Remember to take your shoes off when entering temples. Dress appropriately or cover you exposed skin with a sarong that you can borrow/rent at the entrance of some temples. You can also bring your own sarong if you’ve got one. Don’t worry about losing your shoes. No one will snatch them away. Be respectful when taking pictures inside the temple. There are places where “No Photography” sign is displayed. Don’t be THAT tourist! Always bring wet tissues to clean your feet after visiting.
Myanmar Pagodas – Kyauk Taw Gyi
The most prized possession here is the presence of the largest marble Buddha in Myanmar. As soon as you enter, you’ll see its imposing size and brilliant whiteness surrounded by a not-so-well-lit temple. Remember to check out the backyard where some interesting things to do and see await you.