Visiting Kings Canyon In Any Season – 2TravelDads

Visiting Kings Canyon In Any Season - 2TravelDads
You know when you’re excited for sweeping views, spring flowers, newborn baby animals and getting your first tan of the year? That’s where we were at prior to driving into Kings Canyon National Park. As we drove up into the hills from Fresno, California on our Mountain National Parks road trip we felt the temperature drop, but it was still sunny. We watched the darkest gray front move over the mountain tops…

And then we got into Kings Canyon National Park and it was freezing. As we wound up the mountain on our way to Sequoia National Park we went through fog, hail, rain and dead still air. It was eerie.

We expected this to all be cleared up by the time we returned to Kings Canyon National Park but it wasn’t, hence our plans were a bit foiled. We still had fun though! We’ve got some great tips for what’s fun, fascinating and different than what we encountered in Sequoia National Park. So, here’s what you can bet on for a great experience when visiting Kings Canyon National Park in any season.

Visiting Kings Canyon National Park Visitors Center

We got our National Parks Passport stamps here in Grant Village and had the best talk with the Park Ranger about all of the things we could do… if we stuck around for a few days and allowed the 80 degree weather to roll back in. Since that wasn’t going to happen, we explored more of the exhibits. The Grant Grove Visitors Center had some of the best wildlife informational displays we’ve seen in any National Park, including really beautiful bronze casts of some of the creatures you’ll see in the park.

Full Story at sTravelDads

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