If you’re looking for reliable information in regards to hiking the Bukit Tabur West or Bukit Tabur East trails in Kuala Lumpur, you’ve come to the right place. We successfully completed this hike in late 2019, despite warnings online of closures, needing permits and other misleading information. This blog post aims to provide all the accurate information you’ll need ahead of hiking Bukit Tabur, including how to get there, safety precautions, important things to know and more.
Kuala Lumpur Hiking Trails
When you think of Kuala Lumpur, the last thing that comes to mind is hiking and nature. The modern metropolis is famed for its towering skyscrapers, vibrant culture, and religious temples. But on our 3rd or 4th visit to the city, we were keen to discover something new. That’s when our local friend Ben suggested hiking.
As it turns out, there are several hiking trails in and around Kuala Lumpur. Some of the hiking trails are relatively easy and suitable for beginners. Others, like Bukit Tabur West & Bukit Tabur East, are harder and slightly more precarious.
So with this in mind, let’s get to preparing you for hiking Bukit Tabur. We encourage you to read through the entire article, as there’s a lot of safety information in here that you need to know in advance. Stay safe people!