Sacred Sands

Sacred Sands

Joshua Tree

63155 Quail Springs Rd, Joshua Tree, California, 92252, USA
Contact(s): Scott Cutler & Steve Pratt
Phone: 1 760 366-4859
Cell: 1 760 424-6408

Gay Owned Bed & Breakfast - 2 rental units
Bisexual, Gay Men, Lesbian, Straight, Transgender

PR Discount: None
General Discount: None
Agent Commission: None

Gay Owned [moobdir_type value_only='yes'] in Joshua Tree, California, USA - Sacred Sands
Joshua Tree National Park Guest Retreat B&B:

Located at the west entrance of Joshua Tree National Park, we offer luxury accommodations unlike anything in the high desert. Each guestroom features private outdoor space with shower and spa and magnificent views. Sleeping and resting comfort is assured. Breakfast is innovative, healthy and delicious.

Payment: Amex, Cash, Check, Discover, MC, Money Order, Paypal, Trav Checks, Visa

Amenities Private Bath * Disability: Partial Access * Wireless in Room * Entire Facility is Nonsmoking * Hill, Mountaintop views * Breakfast included * No Children * No Pets

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