Five Awesome Apps for Gay Travelers – The Nomadic Boys

Apps for Gay Travelers - The Nomadic Boys

When we first started traveling back in the late 1990s and early 2000s, the most hi tech piece of technology we had back then was a CD Walkman and a camera you needed to roll a film into (remember them?)

How things have changed since! After our recent trip in Latin America, we have found we are more than ever dependent on our smartphones. The downside is of course that technology is always going to be an inevitable part of our travels. But the upside, this allows us to travel smarter, seek out unique experiences better then we did before, and document things more effectively.

We previously wrote about our favourite gay travel apps. As an update to this, and based on our recent travel experiences, here are our 5 favourite apps for gay travelers we recommend for 2018:

TRAVELIBRO: document your travel memories

What is it: TraveLibro is an app which allows you to create a Journey for your trip, into which you post all your photos, videos, reviews, thoughts, memories, and more, in chronological order. The end result is your own timeline of your trip, which you can re-live at any time and show off to friends + family.

Why we love it: it’s fun, very easy to use and a great way to encourage you to really get into your trip. It’s kind of like you’re blogging about your trip, but without all the IT effort involved working around WordPress/Plugins etc. We spent some time with our families in London/Lyon and used this as an opportunity to see more of each city, documenting everything in TraveLibro. It forced us to organise our time better and to double check facts, as well as striving to take the best possible photos. Check it out: we’re super proud of our: Londonand Lyon TraveLibro “on the go” stories.

By Stefan Arestis – Full Story at the Nomadic Boys

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