Colorful Gay Curacao – Chicago Pride

Gay Curacao

One of the first things that catches your eye on the beautiful, colorful Caribbean island of Curacao is, the colors. Specifically, the colorfully-painted homes and businesses.

But there was a time when almost every building in gay Curacao was white, nothing else.

Then, legend has it, a former governor of the island suffered from severe headaches – and he believed the sun’s reflection off the white buildings made his headaches worse. So he mandated that building exteriors be painted any color but white.

That array of colors is one of the calling-cards of Curacao, a Dutch island that is about 40 miles from Venezuela, encompassing about 171 square-miles with a population of about 160,000.

Later it was learned, according to lore, that the governor was a shareholder in the island’s only paint store.

Nonetheless, Curacao is one eye-appealing island.

It’s like the pride flag came to life on homes and businesses.

By Ross Forman – Full Story at GoPride

Curacao Gay Travel Resources

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