Fifteen Things To Know About the Galapagos Islands – Globetrotter Girls

Galapagos Islands - Globetrotter Girls

My Galapagos Islands cruise was a trip I’d been dreaming about for years, but despite that, it still managed to exceed my expectations, which is rare. But, as well as exceeding my expectations, these far-flung, remote islands ended up being completely different to how I imagined them to be.

Until a few years ago, when I traveled to South America for the very first time, I had pictured the islands to be much more desolate than they actually are – basically only inhabited by wild creatures. Back then, I had already been told by other travelers that the islands are far more inhabited than I thought they were. And while cruising between several islands this year, I learned a few more things that I think are good to know if you are planning your own trip to the Galápagos Islands, or if you just want to find out more about one of the most remote archipelagos in the world.

Here are eleven things about the Galápagos Islands that you should know before you go:


While the Galapagos Islands belong to the tiny Andean country of Ecuador, they are in fact very far from the rest of the country – 560 miles, to be exact. The islands are far out in the Pacific Ocean, and it takes just under two hours to fly there from Guayaquil, the closest airport on the mainland, and 2 hours 15 minutes from Quito, Ecuador’s capital.

By Dani – Full Story at Globetrotter Girls

Ecuador Gay Travel Resources

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