Lesbian Travel: The Weekend Quickie

Weekend Quickie - Lesbian Travel

When you’re a kid, playtime is as important as naptime and meals – you couldn’t live without it! Sadly, most adults think we can’t live without our smart phones and the world they connect us to… North Americans (on average) have access to 10 vacation days per year while Europeans can tap into 4-6 weeks of away time … what a difference. Even more shocking – North Americans skimp on their time away while Europeans take what’s given to them and then some. And why not?

Recently, an acquaintance of mine bragged that she and her husband have never taken a vacation together. They`ve been married 12 years (with 2 kids) and have never indulged in a dirty weekend getaway – just the two of them. Even their family vacations incorporate work time because they’re both entrepreneurs and neither wants to miss an opportunity. She told me she’s happy and their businesses are thriving but the tiredness around her eyes revealed a much different story.

When did NOT taking a vacation become a badge of honor? When did we forget that routine without playtime is the death of desire?

By AUTHOR – Full Story at Go Girlfriend